New French Extremity darling Pascal Laugier’s 2018 film Incident in a Ghostland presents thematic continuance of some elements introduced in his 2008 film Martyrs. Both films feature violent attacks on a family and focus heavily on the killing, torture and abuse of young females, including children and teenagers, and the long lasting effects trauma.
A popular thing to do in the horror movie loving community is to share pre-Halloween movie lists. Not much of a planner, I am putting out my list as I watch it. So far, I am one week in with nine movies watched. Six of them were first watches, and 5 can be considered as releases. Submitted for your approval, a brief review of Shockoberfest 2019 celebrations:
This is not the first time David Cronenberg’s 1977 film Rabid has been reviewed at the Insomniac Theater. When I wrote about it in 2010, it was as a pre-AIDS metaphor for the devastation of a sexually transmitted epidemic. This time around, I tried to look at it from a different perspective.
Reddit user ScarletBegonias79 posted a list of the top horror films of the 2010s and asked users for theirs. I decided to expand mine into a blog post.