Showing posts with label Catacombs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catacombs. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Social Media Post: WIWLN Goes to Paris

"Stop! This is the Kingdom of the Dead"

Where does horror reside? One answer is in the abject. The abject is a place where we are exposed to transgressive objects - things that should not be or fewest things that should not be seen. Crossing into the abject is to abandon the known, familiar and welcoming for the unknown, unfamiliar and unwelcoming. As horror fans, we are often dedicated to exploring the abject from the safety of our friendly places.

Our own bodies are often the first exposure to this frightful realm. Knowledge of the whole unseen world under our skin can be both fascinating and frightening. The first sight (or taste!) of blood, seeing the exposed organs of a carcass or the pictures in my mother’s anatomy textbooks and the first time touching a corpse are cemented in my mind. These days, encountering a skeleton outside its meat envelope is no longer disconcerting, but being amongst the six million skeletons residing in the Paris Catacombs was a somber reminder of what awaits us all.

Dr. Pretorius toasts a freshly harvested skeleton's new life in The Bride of Frankenstein.