Sunday, December 1, 2019



Starring: Dawn Van de Schoot, Hailey Foss, Kaeleb Zain Gartner
Writer: Cameron Macgowan
Director: Cameron Macgowan
Studio: Awkward Silencio, RLD Productions

"Do we have to have another discussion about consent?"

Synopsis: The Edwards family, Mom Melanie, daughter Madison and son Timothy (Dawn Van de Schoot, Hailey Foss, and Kaeleb Zain Gartner) are settling into their new home. The kids complain that the new neighborhood is boring, not realizing that today is going to be a red-letter day in the worst possible way. A shadowy group called "The Unknown" has delivered a series of Red-Letters to the community pitting neighbors against each other based on their conflicting social media personas. In order to survive, the Edwards must be prepared to do what ever it takes to stay alive as they realize their new home is anything but boring.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marla Mae (2018)

Marla Mae (2018)

Starring: Lisa van Dam-Bates, Travis Johnny Ware, Katie Hemming, Jason Stange
Written: Lisa van Dam-Bates
Directed by: Lisa van Dam-Bates

Lisa van Dam-Bates is the super-human triple threat behind medical shocker Marla Mae (2018). Writing, directing and starring in a movie would be beyond the powers of most ordinary mortals. I will barely get through writing this paragraph without needing to call my therapist. I was drawn to this movie by the fact Dam-Bates seemed to have so much control over her movie. I know it may seem unfair to say that this movie is more interesting because it was written and directed by a woman, after all, no-one goes to see Martin Scorcese films because he is a guy, but to me it is a numbers game. My opinion is that there are too few female voices in horror, especially ones that have so much control over their vision, to ignore a movie like this. Judging by its subject matter, it is easy to think that the subtext of Marla Mae is something extremely personal to most women: getting adequate and affordable healthcare from a system that doesn't appear to respect or pretend to understand women.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Shocktoberfest 2019 Final Edition

Shocktoberfest 2019 Final Edition
The Mask
Shocktoberfest 2019 Final Edition

What a long strange trip it was! We begin our Doris Day a Day a thon this weekend. Being married comes with some perks, but it is also duties. My non horror movie loving wife knows this is important to me, so she was willing to do without my presence for the last six weeks, but now it is time to show my appreciation to my greatest obsession, her. Let's get right to it.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Shocktoberfest 2019 Update #6

Dream Home

Shocktoberfest 2019 Update #6

So far, there has been a paucity of films from the Asiatic Region in this year's Shocktoberfest. This week's selections attempted to correct that omission. While none of this week's movies are considered Asian Extreme Horror, some of them are pretty close. Caveat emptor!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Shocktoberfest 2019 Update #5

Crimes of Passion

Shocktoberfest 2019 Update #5

Week off from work - Yay Fall Break! Obviously, I spent plenty of time watching films this week. There are some new films, some old favorites and also three movies that I consider to be modern stand outs in the horror genre.