Saturday, March 26, 2011

A question for the for the Horror Blogger community

Even though I have been blogging for a year, I am still a newbie.  One place that I wish I knew more about was how to make my sites more interesting and appealing to visitors.  I also would like to knoiw more about how to use advertisements.  Also, how about the...

I am not putting this here to ask a bunch of specific questions.  I want to ask only one:  could you please tell me what resources were particularly helpful in creating you magnificent page? Websites, books, 1-976 number?

As I posted to Cyberschizoid this morning, "It would be great if the Google had a hand book for blogging, instead of insisting that members should simply Google their questions to get answers."  I have been very frustrated with mining the blogger forum for answers; mostly I find other posts asking the same question I am asking, unanswered.

This the biggest problem I have with the Open Source philosophy; the learning curve for support is pretty high.  This isn't supposed to be a complaint, I am enjoying what I am doing and hope to continue.




Lord Dixie said...

Good question, google does seem shy on actual answers. I monotize through Google, I tried an outisde adsource (adbrite) and just got an empty slot. I can make simple banners for friends and slideshows, other than that I am kind of lost

Unknown said...

I agree that unless you're a real technical bod, then blogging and running a website can be pretty tricky. I've been lucky to have a lot of help but also just kept trying different things until they worked.
How to make your sites more interesting and appealing? Well, if your content and writing are good (which they are!) then you're half way there.
My advice is to always use interesting pics and also don't be afraid to promote your blogs. Also it's good to visit other peoples sites and chat to people on Twitter or Facebook about your interests. You'll always find some like-minded people out there!

systemshocks said...

Great site. Interesting stuff. Thanks for the follow.

mwilliams1220 said...

Thank you for the encouragement. I realized that content should take priority to cosmetics!


Dr Blood said...

Most of the blogger themes can be customised very easily as you've already found out. The only advice I can give you on that is don't fiddle with the CSS/HTML code itself too much in case you ever get bored and want to change everything in one go.

As for "monetising" your site, don't do it. All those ads just annoy people and they never come back. I use the occasional Amazon widget myself just to display the picture of whatever film I'm watching but I don't make any money from it.