Thursday, March 3, 2011

Caveat Emptor!

I am trying something new tonight; posting one of my mixed CDs on the internet for anyone to listen to if they wish.  Chances are, if I know you, at some point I have given you music to listen to.

Zip file here; correct playlist here.

I am too tired to type anything else tonight.  Sorry, no song list or description.  Movie soundtracks, some jazz, a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down you pants...

Let me know if there are difficulties with the downloads.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Special Vacation Edition

The most special thing about this post is I have nothing to say; I am going on vacation soon, first time in over two years!  Preparations are a little over whelming, so tonight's post is mostly screen captures from The Blood Drinkers, also known as Blood is the Color of the Night, original Filipino title Kulay Dugo ang Gabi.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Insomniac Theater Presents: Dead Birds (2004)

If a movie as slow paced, poorly developed and predictable as Alex Turner's Dead Birds doesn't nod me off, it is time to start looking at chemical sleep aids.

Following the exhausted formula of a group of unlikeable characters in a spooky place being killed one at a time by a supernatural force, Dead Birds failed to deliver any pleasurable thrills.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What I watched last night: The Vagina Monologues

Myself and a group of friends went to see my wife perform in Miami University's Vagina Monologues. Profits from the production were donated to the Butler County Rape Crisis Center.

The Vagina Monologues is a theater piece derived from interviews with a wide range of women about sex, sexuality, and their genitals.   Vacillating between humorous and challenging, each vignette offered original (and graphic) insights into the most intimate parts of women's lives.

Adrienne's enacted I was there in the room, written by author Eve Ensler about witnessing the birth of her own grandchild.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Insomniac Theater Presents: Daughters of Darkness (1971)

When I was kid, before VCRs, there was no way to see the movies unless they played on television.  This was great for mainstream movies, but anything else was impossible.  Therefore, I had to use my imagination to create my version of a film by studying a few frames from a book or magazine about horror movies.  Harry Kümel's stylish vampire film, Daughter of Darkness was one of those tantalizing movies.  Every book on horror movies tantalized me with this images like the one to the right.

Olivia and I were able to watch Daughters of Darkness a few nights ago.   It is a beautiful and subtle film that re-watching brings more enjoyment and understanding.  I grabbed some screen captures to show some of the beautiful imagery from the film.