Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Head Count (2018) [teenagers are horrible]

Director: Elle Callahan

Writers: Elle Callahan (story), Michael Nader

Better than average teen, supernatural slasher that sacrifices jump-scares and violent kills for a slowly building sense of unease that catapults into an alright finale. The story is interesting and even though there is no heavy lifting to be done, the young performers are up to the task. 

First-time director Elle Callahan chose to make a taut, quickly paced drama with unique visuals, provided by Joshua Tree park She and writer Michael Nadler deftly avoided any distractions that would have slowed the pacing. Perhaps the movie was a little too lean, the way the creature haunted the group could have been fleshed out a bit. But over all, Head Count was a fun ride and Callahan and Nadler are two to watch out for.

Head Count is currently streaming on Amazon prime.

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